8 Easy Yet Brilliant Ways to Organize Your Closet
As children, we cowered passing by our closet doors, fearing shadowy demons that hid inside — only to grow up only and realize that the one true monster in our closet is, well, us. Tidiness isn’t everyone’s forte, but our wardrobe is a sacred space, and we should take pride in perfecting it to meet our needs. So, if the simple act of getting dressed every morning results in absolute mayhem, with various articles of clothing piling in the corner, it might be time to embrace a whole new system and work on getting organized.
We reached out to a few pros to weigh in with their best closet organization ideas and product recommendations. From practical suggestions, like shelf dividers, to more creative tactics, like hanging your jeans from a coat rack, there’s a method to containing every level of disorder.
However, before you go into full organization mode, experts stress that your first order of business should be to cleanse your closet. In other words, go through every piece of clothing you own and ditch what you don’t need and/or wear.
“How do you want to feel when you walk into your closet? What are your goals? Be realistic and ruthless in ridding your closet of anything that doesn’t line up with those aspirations,” Kate Turk, interior stylist, and professional organizer tells InStyle. “I love taking this approach with my clients to set the tone for the project and keep things focused on the end result.”
Whatever your vision, here are eight of the best closet organization ideas along with the best products to help you put them into practice.

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